New project in the works. I have some lumber leftover from making the Blue Jay houses. I have found some plans I like for some different style nesting homes for other birds. I’m raising an army of birds to propagate seeds from the property to other areas, also so birds can spread seeds back to the property. If there are any problems with the page or hyperlinks. Let me know in the comments below and I will get them. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions to attract native species of birds and animals.
Some other ideas I have, are building some insect homes and place them through out the property. Looking at making some: (More) Bat Houses, Insect Mansion, also some small harborage and safe spaces for small animals. There is little to no protection for small animals on the property. There are not any good places they can hide from predation. There are not any natural homes available like they would find in a forest. Some suggestions I have seen is some cut to length drain pipe sections and place them around the property to simulate what normally would be holes in rotten logs and Deadwood. Check out the birdhouse plans below:

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